Wednesday, December 29, 2010

I never promised to be a good blogger

We meet again blog! Maybe once I get this post of the way I won't feel, whenever I walk into a room with a computer, it screaming at me "You haven't blogged in a while" or "isn't it time to blog". So here is a update of our last 2 months. Chloe is a stinkin 7 months old! I can't believe it!

( sorry i've recently been made aware that I speak Sarah Palin. Which means I sound like bobby's mom on bobbies world. If you don't know that reference from when you were younger, or the Sarah Palin reference, they just mean I say flippin, and stinkin, and any other twangy, country,  conservative sounding language. Its embarrassing. I'm working on it. )
Chloe is amazing! I love seeing her grow and become such a little busy body! She's very unique and I love it! She loves water more then milk. In her bath I pass her the little tiny football and say "chloe run for a touch down" She then starts kicking her legs like crazy! She can crawl everywhere...just backwards. She is working very hard on the front wards crawl and it's coming along.

Since the last blogging adventure halloween and christmas have come and past. Justin is not big on holidays but I am like a little kid when it comes to them! I try to put a little pep in his holiday step and he tries to tune down my over enthusiasm. all in all it works out perfectly! This yr. for halloween we were duck hunters and chloe was our little duck. We went to a few halloween parties and everyone seemed to really like our costumes. Which is great for me because every success we have with holidays is fuel to justin's holidays fire and he gets a little more excited! Christmas was amazing this year! By far the best Christmas I've ever had! This year was so great. We teamed up with my mom and did toys for tots for a few families we knew. It added so much to christmas and I am excited to do it again next year! Giving never gets old! Speaking of giving! My husband was so generous this Christmas! Chloe was spoiled silly and I was too! Chloe got more toys then she knows what to do with. I got a kinects, ski pass, and books and in return Justin got his coveted mac book pro with his adobe everything program. He treats that thing like it is a brand new baby. He does not take it out of the house ,carries it like its the most delicate, fragile thing he's ever going to hold. It's pretty cute to see.
The gifts were great but we did not forget the gift of our savior! We were filled with so much love for our savior this year. We know we have been so blessed this past year! Because of him and his sacrifice and his life we can obtain attributes and have change of hearts that will eventually get us to our heavenly father and our savior once again! Only through him is it possible and we feel so grateful and so indebted to him!
This year for christmas eve we went with Justin's family. The Critchfield crew is always a hoot! There are 8 kids in his family including him. Which has led to 26 grandkids. So as you can image it's like a school yard after the recess bell has just rung at his parents house on the holidays. Just pure chaos and it's awesome! This year Justin's dad Jay got bales of hay and loaded his trailer up with them and all 26+ of us and we all went on a hay bale ride singing christmas songs around the neighborhood! It was a blast. Christmas day we spent with my family. If you know my family we all love eachother so much, extended family comes to everything, and any excuse to get together we will. If we could get everyone together for hug a friend day I think we would. We are that bad. Somehow we ended up having 3 different mini christmas parties with the same family all in one day. Wouldn't change it! This is a long post but I figure at the rate i'm going with this blog it will be at least 2 more months til I blog again so there it is. You are updated!